September 28, 2011

Joshua is 2!

My little bud turned two today...

I don't know why it makes me sad to say that, but it does. When I found out I was pregnant with this sweet child of mine, I was not happy. No lie. I was so upset! And when he was born he was so beautiful and I just fell in love with him but, the first year was hard. I mean, really hard. And now, I sit here and think about the last two years of my life (and really the last three and a half years that I've been a parent) and I think "Wow! What an incredible blessing to be on this journey of parenthood!" To experience the gift of finding out you're pregnant and have that life grow inside of you and then to meet that baby for the first time. To watch them grow and become and to see God at work in these little lives, and to see how He works in me and grows me during this time. What an awesome gift! It's such a huge responsibility, and it takes so much out of me, but the reward is so great.

Anyway, the real meaning of this post is to give a glimpse into the life of this sweet little guy that's been placed in my care. So, here it goes.

He's big. About 33 pounds big...maybe more. He wears pants/shirts made for three year olds, shoes and socks made for four year olds, and if he has to be carried it's usually on his Daddy's shoulders (which is not a bad spot to be). He loves to sing, especially the song "Deep and Wide". He loves to play the's the first thing he grabs when we go over to the Stokely's house. He loves Carley. Yes, he fights with her, but he always wants to know where she is and what she's doing. He loves to eat....all the wrong things: french fries, pizza, cupcakes (cu-cakes), ice cream, cookies, you get the idea. He loves horsies, especially Didi and Pop's horsies. He loves his "Kiki" and his doggie. He sleeps with them every night and drags them around the house during the day. He loves hunting deer in our living room and shooting his bow with Daddy. He loves his Daddy. I'd say he loves him more than he loves me. Don't worry, my feelings aren't hurt. :) I'm pretty grateful that he feels that way.

So, that's our Joshua. We gave him the name Joshua Daniel for a reason, and I always pray that God makes him strong and courageous like the men in the Bible, like the wonderful men he's named after, and like his daddy.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Happy Birthday Joshua! You are such a gift and you are so loved!

September 26, 2011

A little update...

So, apparently I stink at blogging! :) That's okay, though. I'm pretty sure 75% of other bloggers stink at it, I'll just lump myself in with the majority.

If I attempted to update you on my life since my last post, we would sit here forever. (Or, I would sit here forever and you would exit the page instead of reading through the entire post.) So, I'll spare myself and just write the important things.

Carley is 3 1/2. She is everything that a 3 1/2 year old should be, which means that she drives me crazy to the point of wanting to pull my hair out and I'm crazy in love with her to the point of wanting to hold onto her a little too tight. She loves to dance, sing, play dress up, be a princess, entertain, read books, watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, tell me when I'm not being nice, boss Joshua around, shower her family with hugs and kisses, and tell me she loves me. She's stubborn, slightly defiant, really smart, loveable and sweet, and she's the girliest girl I know. I wouldn't change her for the world...but I might consider the thought.

Joshua is going to be two on Wednesday! (AAAHHHH!!!) Where did my baby go??? I'm getting teary-eyed as I write this, because it's just amazing to me that the first two years of his life have just flown by. He is the most amazing little boy...and he is all boy. He loves guns, feeding the horses with Pop, guitars, hunting, wrestling with Daddy, playing with Sister, singing "Jesus Loves Me" and a lot of other songs, dancing, puzzles, blocks, anything outdoors, and snuggling with Mommy (my personal favorite). He is serious, but funny. He is stubborn, but tender. And he is so stinkin adorable, I sometimes consider squeezing his face as hard as I can. (Don't worry, I haven't given into temptation...yet.)

Logan and I are still together. I know you didn't think it would last, but somehow we've managed to keep the love alive! ;) He is wonderful, and breathtakingly handsome, and he is so patient with my neurotic/irrational tendency's, so I can't help but love him. He's smart, talented, sweet, and is seeking after God with more and more passion as he grow's. And he knows how to work hard...thank you, Lord!

I am a mess. :) A joyful, crazy, happy mess! I have a temper that I pray for God to take away all the time. He hasn't yet, so I figure it's going to do some good somewhere! I am passionate and I wear my heart on my sleeve. I love baking and cooking. I hate cleaning, but love the feel of a clean house. I never turn down a pedicure or a shopping trip, and Tuesday night Bible Study is one of my favorite parts of the week. I absolutely love my family and am so thankful I get to stay home with my kids. I struggle with being selfish and wanting my own time, but then realize that time with my kids is not going to last forever and I try to soak up moments with them. I'm striving after God and His will for my life. My only purpose is to glorify Him, and it looks different everyday. I mess up all the time, so I'm even more grateful for grace. One of my favorite verses is Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." Love. :)

I hope to update this more often, but I won't make any promises.
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About Me

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I'm a stay at home mom and I'm very thankful that I'm able to have that opportunity. My husband is a loving/caring/handsome/hardworking man and we have a beautiful little girl and a sweet baby boy. Life is wonderful and God continues to bless us.