I feel like we have been going 100 miles an hour lately. We've been everywhere, at least it feels like we have. And it seems like every time we put our foot down and think "no more", something else pops up. In two weeks time we went on two major trips and one weekend trip. We've been on 8 different planes and in four different states (sure, one was just during a layover, but it counts).
The first trip was to Tennessee. Logan's grandpa passed away and we went up for the funeral and to visit with family. I believe Grandpa Ingram was around 85 years old and had lived a very good life. It wasn't a time of sadness or mourning, but a time to reflect on "a life well lived" (as the family said). He was ready to go home to the Lord. His body was worn out and he had accomplished everything he felt he needed to. He was ready for his new body and his new home! It was inspiring to know how confident he was in his eternal fate. It's a valuable tool to live every moment knowing that your home is not here, but is eternally in Heaven with our Father. How scary and awesome and wonderful that thought is!
We really enjoyed our time in Tennessee. We loved introducing our kiddos to Logan's family up there. We were able to spend an evening around the campfire just enjoying nature and visiting with one another. I met some new family members, and old ones, that I'd never seen before. All in all, it was worth the effort! We love our extended families! We're thankful for the examples of how to live life for God and take care of your family.
Our next trip was to South Texas for some good old hunting with the Stokely family! It was a great weekend getaway. We met little baby Colton (Joshua's new best friend/hunting buddy) and were able to see Paige master motherhood with two children. Chad and Logan had their precious time together. ;) Logan shot a turkey and Chad shot a hog. Carley and Parker smooched on each other and held hands and we took a lot of pictures so that we can blackmail them in about 15 years. Paige's brother and girlfriend also came, along with Chad's boss and his wife (who cooked up the best ribs I've ever had!!!) We had a lot of fun hanging out in nature, and by Sunday we were all ready to go home.
The last trip we went on was to California for a family reunion on my mom's side. It was a long trip, and it was pretty hard, but it was so great to see my family. We spent time with cousins we hadn't seen in a few years. We showed off our babies. We ate really good food. We drove through beautiful parts of California. We ate In-n-Out Burger (if you haven't had it you're missing out). We celebrated Easter with candy and eggs and family and church. I found out I'm allergic to Aleve (swollen eyes and sinuses for about 12 hours). Carley had a fever and was sick for two days, one of those days being the reunion. We had seven women, two men, a 5 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 month old, all staying in a four bedroom house. Logan was surrounded by estrogen. (While we were at Steckel Park, where the reunion was held, Logan took off walking in the woods for awhile to gain back his manliness.) The flight home was miserable. The first flight the kids cried the whole time, but finally fell asleep as we were landing. The second flight they were out (thank goodness!) We landed in Texas at 11:45pm, and got to bed at 1:30am. LONG DAY!!! But, it was all worth it!! Don't ask me when I'll do it again, but I'm glad I did it.
So, that's the past two weeks in a nutshell!! It's been a whirlwind, and I'm glad it's over. Are we staying home this weekend, you ask? No! The Beast Feast is taking place and we don't miss out on the Beast Feast! (I'll explain later.) We'll be driving to Magnolia on Friday or Saturday. At least our kids will be adventurous...right??
I have to say, despite all of this running around and craziness that's been taking place, it's been an awesome experience. One of the things that really stood out to me is how wonderful it is to have a partner during all of this. God really has blessed me with a solid marriage. Logan and I could have been picking at each other and taking all of our stresses out on one another, but we stood as a united front! We were a team, and we worked so well together. When we started getting stressed out and frustrated, we talked it through. When the kids were driving us crazy, we looked at each other and said "I love you" and got through it together. I'm so thankful to God for blessing me this way. It's the best gift I could have ever prayed for.
“And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.” Colossians 1:10-12