Joshua Daniel is here! (Yes, I'm aware it's a little late to post that information.) He'll be a month old tomorrow. I can't believe it's already been a month! We took him to the doctor last week and he had gained 2 pounds and 3 1/2 inches since leaving the hospital. So, he's in perfect health!
Carley is adjusting really well. She's a lot of work now that she's 18 months old and trying to figure out more things. She's testing me a lot more and that adds some frustration, but as long as she gets enough attention, she's usually really good. She loves her brother, so that's a big relief for me. She's tried to sit on him a few times, but I think she's finally understanding that it's not a good idea. She's a sweet baby. :)
We've already taken some trips since Joshua has come home. We went and visited our families two weekends ago. Our church there was having a special Sunday potluck and celebration of a new addition to the building, so we decided to go visit and be a part of that. Then this past weekend we spent some time with the Stokely's down in South Texas. Carley had a blast with Parker and it was nice for us to get away for awhile and be outdoors with our families. This weekend we're going back to visit our families so that Joshua can meet his Nanny and his Uncle Caleb. We're looking forward to it!
All in all, life is good! It's A LOT of work, but it's good work. I'm not going to lie, I have moments of frustration. But, at the end of the day, I know things are exactly how they're meant to be and that Logan and I are extremely blessed to have such sweet (healthy) babies and to have each other. Can't ask for much more than that!!